For those of you (the three or four who come by regularly) who are paying attention, I like to play over at Bareknuckle It attracts some articulate, well-reasoned people on both sides, as well as some truely unbelievable knuckleheads. A few of the BDS suffering oxygen-robbers simply refuse to say die, even when their argument is in tatters around their feet. That is why I was disappointed again yesterday when we had a newbie mouthing off again about how our civil liberties are being taken away in the war on terror, and how we will never get them back. Once again, I stepped up and asked for a real-life example of how they had somehow been affected. No generalizations. No theoreticals. A bona fide, concrete example. Once again, I was greeted with deafening silence. Suddenly, the newbie with so much to say is MIA. Honestly, it mkes me so angry I could spit. This is after a running rhetorical conflict the day before with the lefties, liberals, and loons on the discovery of the 500 chemical warheads in Iraq. (Yes, there really were WMDs in Iraq.)
Immediately, the race was on to move the goal posts. "The CIA didn't think it was a significant find." "The weapons were degraded. Honestly, you could pour the contents over your cereal in the morning and suffer no ill effects." "Mustard gas isn't a WMD." "They were old before the first Gulf war."
They have been asking for years now, "Where were the WMDs?" They get proof, and devote signifcant time and energy to finding ways to discount it, or dismiss it. If it doesn't fit in with their preconceived notions, it cannot be true for them. (But they will willingly take the word of the people we are fighting on 'attrocities' committed by US troops. C'mon, 7 Marines and a Navy Corpsman murdered an unarmed civilian? A corpsman? Get real.) Yet on something far more real to all involved, they cannot answer a simple question. This is why we cannot trust the people screaming the loudest on this subject. They simply have let their BDS get the better of them, if they had any judgment and common sense before.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Throwing the B(D)S Flag
Posted by
Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur
12:45 AM
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
I just heard that the strongest and best man I have ever known is not doing well. My aunt called to let me know that they are going to put my paternal grandfather in a nursing home.He recently had a ninety percent blockage of his carotid artery cleared, and I was told that he was acting more like himself than he had in a few years. The family moved he and my grandmother up from Florida, because they really couldn't take care of themselves any longer. I had gotten used to the idea that Grandpa "was back". It was welcome news. For the last four years, it seemed like he had just given up. I remember how angry he was when his father did the same thing in the years before his death. I felt much the same way. Dad's death last year also hit him hard. I don't think there is an appropriate word for the impact. "Grief" is laughingly inadequate. Today, I was told that since the move back to Michigan, he has been vacilating between hysterical and morose. He has been telling people that he wants to die, that the family has been beating him, etc. I have no doubt that he will walk with the Lord, perhaps soon, and I'm am grateful for that, but I will miss him just the same, especially since my Dad can't be for my boys what he was for me.
This morning, I saw something on my drive to work that would set my other grandfather spinning in his grave. Grandpa Ray was a WWII vet. He fought in the Pacific. He had friends at Bataan. He professed to be a Christian, but he NEVER forgave the Japanese. On my drive in to work this morning, I came upon a Toyota Prius with an American flag sticker on one side of the hatch, and a blue star banner sticker on the other side. I could almost hear his voice in my head, and it was far less than charitable.
Posted by
Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur
7:56 PM
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Ann Coulter Attacks the Left's 'Grief Shield' Strategy
Hillary Clinton is upset with Ann Coulter's new book. No surprise there. Specifically, she is outraged at Coulter's attack on the "Jersey Girls" (9/11 widows) and their political activities and statements. Saying that she'd never seen women enjoying their husband's death's so much was not tactful. However controversial the form of the message, the message itself was spot on. These widows all became very wealthy, due in no small part to the generousity of the American people. Families of other terrorist attacks did not reap such financial benefits. Then, while they had our attention, they lashed out at our president and foreign policy. They made baseless accusations, and outrageous statements. They shilled for Kerry. The left ate it up with a spoon, because their 'grief shield' made them unassailable. They got bolder with Cindy Shehan. Before I go further, I want to be very clear:
I respect the fact that these women have lost loved ones, and no amount of money will ever replace their loss.
However, that does not excuse them from braying outlandish, silly, or untrue things into the nearest open microphone. We watch because it is sad, and we share their grief, NOT because we think that their loss has made them an authority on politics, or policy. Abusing the public pulpit should curtail the 15 minutes of fame, not get you more. They got to continue, because anyone who attcked their message would be branded heartless and insensitive. No longer. If this kind of truth-telling continues, and the practice takes hold, then it soon may not matter which repulsive foreign leader Cindy Shehan chums around with, because no one will be paying attention. Thank you, Ann, for redirecting the attention to the message, not the messenger. Let's do it more often.
Posted by
Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur
7:38 PM
It Is A Start
And in today's news, al-Zarqaui managed to get himself in the crosshairs of one of our airstrikes. I'm having trouble seeing the downside in this. The part that made it even better? Iraqis sold him out to us! I take that as a sign that they are serious about running their own country and dealing appropriately with elements that would encourage sectarian violence for the sake of causing trouble. I hope the trend continues.
Posted by
Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur
7:32 PM
Friday, June 02, 2006
More Big Thoughts From C.S. Lewis
If you haven't figured it out yet, this site is a branch office of the Department of Unapologetic Christianity. I know, you're thinking "But Blackiswhite, if something sets you off, you can curse a streak that can make a sailor blush." You're right. I can. The product of a childhood in a shop town, and a part that emerges from time to time. "But Blackiswhite, you can conjure mental images that no self-respecting follower of Christ has any business thinking." I'll admit it. In the immortal words of St. Garibaldi [Think Babylon 5, for those of you who don't understand the reference. If that doesn't help, all I can say is watch the series. Yes, it's that good.] "I can dream real dark." If you don't understand what the world is capable of, then you are helpless in the face of its onslaught.
As a clerk in the abovementioned department, I keep trying to better understand Christianity and God. The Bible is a great place to start. There are even versions that explain the actions of the people in it, the customs referred to, and some of the knottier passages. I have also found the writings of C.S. Lewis helpful in expanding my understanding of Christianity. I have not yet read them all. I am on my second tome at this time, The Problem of Pain. I have to work mentally to read him and get the whole thrust of his writings. This means I read him very slowly. Maybe only a chapter a week. I would like to share some of the more pointed passages with any who stop here to read, and since it is my blog, I can.
This week, I'll start with this exerpt from the chapter "Divine Goodness".
Posted by
Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur
11:23 PM
Connecticut Coaches Have To Have Sportsmanship Mandated
This story about Connecticut coaches who are no longer allowed to let their teams ride roughshod over their competitors. I don't know which is worse; the fact that there is obviously such a disparity in ability among teams that play each other, or the fact that some coaches need to be threatened with suspension to make them not be complete and utter assholes. Why is it that someone who is charged with not just teaching the fundamentals of the game, and directing how it is played, but also in the correct spirit of the competition to begin with, needs to be told that running the score past the point of any recovery is simply overkill?
Posted by
Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur
11:15 PM
More Flushing of Taxpayer Dollars
I came across this story earlier this week. I can say that it sufficiently rankled me. I am in awe at the ways people can come up with ways to flush our tax dollars down the toilet. It is prison. If he wants to be a she, I'm sure (s)he can find people who will gladly use him in that fashion. We're concerned that he might try to commit suicide if he doesn't get the sex change? Uhh, prison? I don't know of anyone who wants to be there. There are probably inmate who do consider suicide. After all, it is PRISON! If he wants to be she, I'm not going to say "More power to him." I will say that he has the opportunity to make that choice, as a free citizen. As a prisoner, he doesn't have a choice, and he shouldn't. Prison is a place to put people who couldn't make good choices on their own. It isn't a place where you can go to change your outward appearance on the taxpayer's nickel. There are two common sense ways to handle this. The first is to sit down with the guy, and explain very calmly that as long as he is in the state's custody, he will not get a sex-change, but if he chooses wisely, he might get to be another inmate's woman while he is in there. The second is to explain nothing, toss him in with the general population, and let him figure it out on his own. I do think a prisoner should have the right to be kept safe while enjoying the state's hospitality, including the right not to be raped or knifed by other inmates. I do think that this does not occur in many prisons, largely due to overcrowding and understaffing. But I also think that a prisoner has to bear some of their responsibility for their own safety. A suicide watch is a tremendous waste of time and resources.
The story is here:
Posted by
Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur
10:55 PM