Mrs. BiW, one of her friends, and heirs no. one and two and I all drove up to Seattle last night to watch the Marniers play the Blue Jays. I used to love the Jays, back when they used to field a good team and you couldn't get a ticket to a home game for love or money. It was raining when we left, so when we got there, to the upper deck, the top of Safeco Field was closed. The sun came out, it cleared up, and they open the top. It was fun. It was my first time there, and I was surprised how many other people were wearing Jays gear. Heir No. Two ran out of attention span by the third inning, so I took him out and we walked all around the upper deck. He sat on my shoulders. He had a great time. We left in the seventh inning, and came home. Mrs. BiW is still sick with a sinus infection so she crashed out before too long.
This morning, we took the boys to see Ratatoulle. The little one is too little to go to the movies. I had to sit in the lobby with him for the last 20 minutes, which is too bad, because I was really enjoying the movie. Now if I could just figure out what to make for dinner...
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Weekend Fun!
Posted by
Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur
3:21 PM
Labels: Family fun, the important stuff
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Another Update
Started a swing dance class with Mrs. BiW last night. I had a lot of fun. The instructor is very good. Mrs. BiW had fun also. She got roses delivered today as a thank you for a wonderful evening.
On other fronts, the spiritual battle rages on. I keep getting some interesting insights, mostly about things I have been doing wrong. I know that is so I can start doing those things right, but it can be a little discouraging at times just the same.
Posted by
Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur
8:36 PM
Monday, June 18, 2007
No, I'm not really back yet, although you could say I have had an ephipany and then some. Lots of rebuilding to do, but I know who's got my back, and part of knowing what to do for me right now involves a lot of trust and listening for the necessary guidance. For now, I can say this:
Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:16, NIV
See ya in a while. Maybe.
Posted by
Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur
7:15 PM
Labels: An unfinished work
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
It seems that I've been in denial about a lot of things for several years now. Especially myself. What this means is that I need to engage in a pretty serious life audit, and determine what who I am, what I want, and what I'll do to get there. If I'm lucky, then I'll figure it out, and maybe earn a place in the hearts of those most dear to me. If I can't accomplish that...
Posted by
Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur
6:31 PM
Labels: Figuring Out What I Want.
Friday, June 08, 2007
The Family You Choose
I was thinking this morning about family. Being an only child and the oldest male in my line of descent, I think about these things alot now. Last week Mrs. BiW and I met with Heir No. One's new psychiatrist, who will be helping him to cope with the different issues raised by his Aspergers Syndrome. During the discussion, my wife raised the opinion that my father had it and that I show signs of it. At this, the Doctor looked at me and asked, did you have trouble with social interaction when growing up. I said "No." He asked "What make you say that?" I replied, because even though I was an only child, I have four brothers. And I can be very social, I just don't choose to be on many occaisions."
My wife was forced to agree. I have four brothers. I will until the day I die. Even though one is in Britanistan, the other three in Michigan, and one of those in a self-imposed exile from the rest of us, they each know that they can count on me, and I on them, and I can carry that thought with me always.
*raising a glass*
Alex, Brian, Matt, and Jaime, freinds absent but not forgotten.
Posted by
Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur
9:24 PM
Labels: What its all about Alfie
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
A Bone to Pick...
I usually listen to the Michael Savage show when driving home from the office. I think he sometimes self-indulgent and almost a parody of himself, but there is no questioning his conservatism. I even liked his sometimes guest host, Douglas Urbanski, until today. When I got in the car at a quarter after five, he was talking about the media's attempts to crown a republican candidate that Shillary could beat. Then he said that Fred Thompson was a great example of such a creation by the liberal media, and how he isn't electable.
Come again? A creation of the liberal media? Unelectable?
He continued to give his take on the latest debate, and how he felt that Romney wasn't getting the exposure that he felt necessary because the media recognizes him as a threat to Shrillary, but never really gave any reasons why he felt that the Fred buzz is a product of the left-leaning media. I listened for the next 45 minutes, and the only thing I could glean in the way of an objection is that Fred is an actor, but isn't Reagan and doesn't have his political experience. He feels that the buzz is due to Fred's most recent acting gig.
What an ass. Until it had come up, I didn't know Fred had been on Law and Order. I'm lawyer. I live it, and with few exceptions, I don't find watching it to be that entertaining. Do I think the acting experience is a plus? Absolutely, but I like the Senator because he gets it. Listen to the commentaries. Read the text. Even without the sonorous delivery, you can tell the guy understands what is at stake, and the lack of political experience makes me believe he won't be beholden to anybody. As for being a creation of the left-leaning media, I can't say I've read much of anything from the MSM outlets about him.
Mike, I like your show, even when I disagree with you, but Doug resorted to the lefty tactic: throw the bomb and run. You wanna convince me? Bring me something substantial.
Posted by
Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur
6:56 PM
Labels: Why We Need Fred
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
It Is Important. You Know What to Do.
Click, sign up, and give.
Hat tip to Dick.
Posted by
Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur
6:23 PM
Labels: Saving America
Monday, June 04, 2007
Pink Swastikas to Boy Scouts: Allow Gay Membership or Lose Meeting Place
The gay lobby and its sympathizers continue to demand that an American institution based on bedrock principals change to meet the "new" morality of anything goes. My pal, Darth Bacon, a resident of Philthydelphia brought this to my attention a while back, but I saw this story tonight, and felt that it was comment worthy.
From the A. P.:
PHILADELPHIA - The city may require the Boy Scouts of America's Cradle of Liberty Council to affirm that it will not discriminate against openly gay people or else lose its rent-free headquarters.
Kinda reminicent of the gays who keep trying to tell the Pope that he has to change and accept them they way that they are.
The City Council passed a resolution Thursday that City Solicitor Romulo L. Diaz Jr. said was a last step needed to end the Scouts' lease under a 1928 ordinance that leased the land to them in perpetuity.
You must conform! You must! Gay is good!
Jeff Jubelirer, a spokesman for the Cradle of Liberty Council, said any decision probably would involve the leadership of the scout's National Council, and he did not know how scout officials would react.
What dispute? A decades-old organization based on Christian principals that used to have the support of the body politic in an era when character, not public deviance used to be a civil priority has refused to compromise itself so that deviants can participate in the Boy Scouts without the guilt that comes from a lifestyle choice that is contrary to the principals of the organization. Why start your own your own organization like the Gay Scouts of America, with merit badges in Interior Design, Anonymous Gay Sex, and of course, Stooping to Any Low to Force "Acceptance" by Everyone Else in the World.
The Supreme Court ruled in 2000 that as a private group, scouts have a First Amendment right to bar gays from membership. The Cradle of Liberty Council adopted a nondiscrimination policy in 2003 but was ordered to revoke it by the National Council, which said local councils had no right to deviate from national rules that bar participation by anyone who is openly gay.
Nothing like a local chapter going of the reservation to cater to the Intolerant Scions of Tolerance. Paging the Anglican Church, Paging the Anglican Church!
Jeff Jubelirer, a spokesman for the Cradle of Liberty Council, said any decision probably would involve the leadership of the scout's National Council, and he did not know how scout officials would react.
Because the National Council will yank their charter so fast, they'll be let naked and cold before they have any idea what is going on.
The Supreme Court ruled in 2000 that as a private group, scouts have a First Amendment right to bar gays from membership. The Cradle of Liberty Council adopted a nondiscrimination policy in 2003 but was ordered to revoke it by the National Council, which said local councils had no right to deviate from national rules that bar participation by anyone who is openly gay.
I imagine that Sir Baden Powell is waiting for his opportunity to lead these fine "scouts" on a "special" hike, if you know what I mean.
Posted by
Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur
6:59 PM
Saturday, June 02, 2007
I'm Sure Glad That Bush Feels That We Can Work With This Guy
Once again, from the only paper I read with any regularity, the Globe and Mail, we have an interview with Bush's favorite Russian, Vlad "I'll Kick Your Ass" Putin:
Mr. Putin, in an interview at his summer residence outside Moscow, said he considers U.S. plans to build an eastern European anti-missile site to shoot down Iranian missiles a provocation aimed at Russia.
Sure, because there is an obvious relation between the two.
He repeatedly described the anti-missile system as a part of the American "strategic nuclear potential," whose existence he said requires Russia to retaliate to maintain the global "strategic balance."
Such need being triggered by our proven willingness to nuke other nations without any provocation whatsoever, I'm sure.
Asked what he might do to retaliate, he said he would return Russia to the Cold War status where missiles were aimed at European targets.
Reviewing the gratitude shown by Europe for our intent to sacrifice American lives to liberate their countries and keep them free of Soviet oppression in the past, my first inclination is to say, "Fine. Nuke Europe. The rate they appear to be going, any vestige of civilzation there will be under the heel of Islam soon anyway, and they don't appear to want to meet that threat anyway." but I figure that will just send everything sideways that much sooner.
"It is obvious that if part of the strategic nuclear potential of the United States is located in Europe, and according to our military experts will be threatening us, we will have to respond," he said.
Sure, because we want to spend the time and effort defeating you again, after we already won the cold war. Don't you have an ethnic minority to brutally oppress or a significant rival to drive to ruin?
"What kind of steps are we going to take in response? Of course, we are going to get new targets in Europe."
Becuase we know we couldn't take you in a straight up fight, so we'll use other nations as shields. "Give me what I want or I'll shoot this puppy" is always a righteous strategy.
He suggested that this could include powerful nuclear-capable weapons.
Because what's the point in having a planet-destroying arsenal if you don't get to use it?
What kind of means will be used to hit the targets that our military believe are potential threats to the Russian federation? This is a purely technical issue, be it ballistic missiles or cruise missiles, or some kinds of novel weapons systems - this is a purely technical issue."
And since the President of the United States is completely unwilling to even secure the borders, I feel confident that he'll do nothing to prevent me from acting like a madman.
Its a good thing that I read THE BOOK and know how it is going to end. Otherwise, I might worry.
Posted by
Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur
12:59 PM
Labels: One Step Forward, Three Steps Back