Friday, April 04, 2008

Ten Things You Didn't Know About BiW. (You don't get to play, Alex.)

I liked this so much at Folly's Place, I decided to copy her. Hopefully, she doesn't tell the teacher...

1. I used to be a Democrat. (Then I grew up, got a job, and had a family.)

2. I didn't even know what a blog was a few years ago.

3. I used to play the oboe. (No tongue skill jokes, please.)

4. I marched in the Electric Light Parade in Disneyworld.

5. I have a history of being completely oblivious when women come onto me.

6. I am a Sci Fi geek, but it has to be good sci fi.

7. I used to write poetry.

8. I did an Internship in the Canadian House Of Commons in 1993, when NAFTA was passed, and was standing just a few steps from Joe Clark when the CAW worker punched him in the nose after the vote.

9. I wasn't sure I'd like being a father.

10. I rode my bike across the state of Michigan in one day.