Sunday, November 04, 2007

So much for an olive branch...

An olive branch was extended to me this evening. However, because I still smart from the last time I tried to engage in this once-special activity, and the offer didn't come with the other important components, I rudely declined, rather than recognizing the effort that went into extending it in the first place, and the genuinely kind thought underlying it. I'm sorry, and I'm sorry that I let a past hurt color my current perception. I'm supposed to be past these things myself, but that one HURT. A LOT. AND ITS STILL VERY FRESH.

I recognized five minutes later what I did, but it was too late. Maybe it wasn't the best olive branch to offer, but that didn't excuse my reaction. Its a good thing that God gives new grace every day, because I seem to burn through the earthly supply fast enough.

Have you ever had just a complete breakdown in the ability to talk to the most important person in your life? Yeah. Me too.