Sunday, November 11, 2007

Weekend Musings

I'm working on Desert Island Singles, part deux. This is harder than I thought.

Heir No. Two Got a new coat and underwear yesterday. Not that he cares, of course. I think he was far happier with the slurpie I got him while Mom was trying on a coat she saw.

I have been thinking about forgivness the whole weekend long. Asking for and granting. It seems like I have had to ask forgiveness from a lot of people lately. Maybe because I have. The point being I finally had to ask it of one last person.

It was hard, but not as hard as the message I received when reflecting on it. I finally fully come into a never say die philosophy, and it appears I'm late to the party. I love how God finds a way to say "I'm glad you finally figured it out, son. Now can you live it?"

That's the lovely nature of faith. You know where you are, you know where you want to be, and that path is no longer clear, but seems to be completely blocked. At that point it is no longer a mental exercise, but stepping out and trusting that that you are still going to get there.

Its gonna be a long walk, and I know I'm not dressed for the weather, but I know that I have to keep walking.